8th Wonder Holistic Health



Hey there! Welcome to my corner of the internet—

I’m Rovanna, a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and founder/owner of 8th Wonder Holistic Health. I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a Detroit native who resides just outside of the heart of our nation, DC. I strive to encourage, empower and educate the modern woman to achieve ancestral health using food and herbs to heal themselves. As a young woman in today’s society, I know how tough it can be to sift through all the latest health and wellness trends that are constantly being thrown at us, and even tougher to know how to deal with our own ailments. Learning how to manage and heal my health issues using holistic nutrition was how I realized that this is what I wanted to do for a living. I knew that I wanted to share this incredible feeling with everyone, and if there is anyone who’s been where you are- at your wits end, confused, frustrated, stressed, anxious, gaining weight, digestive issues, struggling with acne, trying to manage chronic pain, it’s me sister. How about feeling in control of your beautiful temple and knowing what will nurture your mind, body and soul? That’s what’s in store for you here. I don’t subscribe to one particular diet or school of thought, but rather I choose to create individualized protocols that aim to bring the person back into homeostasis with their incredible temples.

When I’m not buried in a book about wellness, you can find me enjoying the outdoors, baking medicinal treats, doing yoga/pilates, making new herbal drink concoctions, etc. I adore spending quality time with my friends and family and Portugal is my favorite place in the world, (I am 50% Portuguese!). I am passionate about living more minimally and leading a more eco-conscious life and hope to transcend that in my work with you as well.

Our bodies have this incredible innate ability to heal themselves. With the proper nourishment, tools and guidance, you too, can achieve optimal health and feel in harmony with your body like you’ve always craved. Ready to dig deep and learn how to take care of your body through holistic nutrition and intentional living? I’m waiting for you! 

And don’t forget, if you never step out of your comfort zone and into fear, you may never know all the magic that’s in store for you!

Love and health,



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So what is Ancestral Health anyway?

Let’s first talk about what we have now that our ancestors didn’t: Advanced technology, transportation, abundance of food, electricity, the internet, gas, you name it.

One thing they had that WE lack? Their optimal health. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were fit, nourished, had good bone density, minimal tooth decay, healthy guts, strong hair/skin/nails and the list goes on. As a nation, we are sicker than ever. Obesity, burn out, stress, depression and countless diseases plague Americans daily.

Ancestral health is a component of Functional Medicine that teaches us to live more like our ancestors did, which is quite simple. Eat real whole food, do some form of daily movement, and allow the body to recover from various different internal and external stressors. Sure, our environment and genes have evolved, but that doesn’t mean we can’t thrive naturally.

Today’s conventional medical treatments often leave us with a plethora of lasting adverse effects. The difference between Functional Medicine and Allopathic Medicine is that Functional medicine aims to get to the root cause of the problem, not mask the symptoms. These Functional Medicine therapies can not only reverse health ailments, but prevent them.

It’s no surprise that diet and lifestyle play key roles in health and disease. This approach to health offers you the ability to heal underlying causes and symptoms of disease using food, herbs and lifestyle shifts that cultivate lasting change.

I recognize that everyone has their own bioindividual needs, which is why curating a personalized approach is always my main goal. You don’t have to keep feeling this way! If you’re interested in learning more about how I can help you, LET’S CHAT!

All organisms are adapted to survive and thrive in a particular environment. When that environment changes faster than the organism can adapt, mismatch occurs. This is a fundamental principle of evolutionary biology, and it applies to humans as much as it applies to any other organism in nature.

-Chris Kresser


8th wonder holistic health

Here is where you vibrate higher. Here is where you let go of what is no longer serving you. Here is where you heal. Here is where you finally realize just how much of a wonder you really are.

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Rose Tahini Banana Bread

Click here to discover more medicinal treats!



My journey in the holistic health world began when I worked for a chiropractor in 2012 who was hard hitting about the Paleolithic lifestyle. I didn’t even know what it was at the time, but after weeks of shadowing and learning I soon realized this was the lifestyle I wanted to lead. In brief, leading a ‘Paleo’ lifestyle was indicative of living like our hunter-gatherer ancestors did and being more conscious about where your food comes from, how it is grown and what it is made up of. Eating a Paleo diet involves no refined grains, sugars, beans/legumes, and dairy. Although I knew I was leading a healthier lifestyle, there was one thing still hindering my success in feeling like I was truly THRIVING and balanced- birth control. I felt bloated all the time, had horrible acne, felt extremely moody, and I wasn’t even getting my period anymore. I went on it at 16 was because of severe menstrual pain that was wrongfully diagnosed as adenomyosis. Naively, I thought that after 5 years being on it, it would just go away. I was wrong. After about a year of being off the pill all those horrible pains came back and it was debilitating. To my surprise I was walking around with undiagnosed endometriosis and didn’t even know it. This propelled me towards doing research in school and on my own in women’s reproductive health and I uncovered a wealth of knowledge that I have been able to use to heal myself and help others do the same. I felt empowered, I felt alive- and all I wanted to do was shout it from the rooftops.

I first got an Associates in Exercise Science in 2014 at Oakland Community College in Michigan. I then went on to work as a Performance Coach and Rehab Specialist in a chiropractic/physical therapy clinic here in Virginia. After spending about two years doing that, I realized my passion for nutrition that sparked in college had only gotten stronger. I would witness patients complain about energy levels, weight gain, trouble sleeping, you name it. It bothered me that I couldn’t really help these people with their issues without worry of giving too much information out of my scope of education. In 2018 I decided I would do something about it. I enrolled into American College of Healthcare Sciences which is an online university specializing in alternative medicine based out of Portland, Oregon. I got my undergraduate certification in Holistic Nutrition Consulting and proceeded to get a Diploma in Holistic Health Practice (HHP) in 2021. Now, I plan to sit for boards this year and become a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner. I am ecstatic!

This is how 8th Wonder Holistic Health was born. I want every woman to have the tools, information and support to make educated decisions about their health. The stuff that’s not already being spewed out all over the TV and internet as ‘mainstream’ or ‘conventional’ healthcare which many integrative and functional medicine doctors will tell you is ‘sickcare’. I’m here to empower and teach women about the incredible healing power of nutrition, the wonders of holistic health, and intentional living.


Rovanna has been helping me for years, through bouts of indigestion that I was self conscious about, to clearing out my bathroom of soaps and chemicals that were not good for me at all!  She has been responsive and transparent, and I got to her with all my health needs and questions!

/  Satisfied client  /



In addition to working with high school athletes as a Performance Coach, my experience and passion helping others has only blossomed. In 2017-2019 I worked as a Rehab Specialist in a chiropractic office helping patients improve their functional movements, increase their strength and improve their stability. As I mentioned above, this job really propelled me to further my nutrition knowledge and go full force in holistic nutrition. While I’ve spent the last couple years starting my business and finishing school, I have also had the pleasure of working at a local smoothie + juice shop. There I was able to expand my knowledge even more, educating employees about all the benefits of fruits and vegetables, superfoods and adaptogenic powders, and the importance of choosing high quality ingredients to nourish the body.

While I now call myself an entrepreneur, holistic nutrition professional, and conscious consumer, I am thankful for all my job endeavors as they have shaped my standards in creating my own business. I am humbled and blessed to be on this journey and these unique experiences have helped set me apart from others in this space.

Come stay a while.