What You Don't Know About Your Personal Care Products

It’s floating around like a mosquito that won’t leave you alone- clean beauty, green beauty, all natural beauty, whatever you want to call it has made its way into the skincare world. Thank God for companies that are producing non-toxic, transparent, organic products that are clean and safe enough to put on our skin. But not all of these self proclaimed “clean beauty” brands are as clean as you think. The term Greenwashing is referred to as “a practice followed by organizations in which unsubstantiated or misleading claims are made of the environmental and social attributes of a product, service or the company as a brand”. An example I like to use is Sephora’s Clean at Sephora Seal that they slap on products that are not actually clean. Companies who greenwash aren’t doing any good for the environment either. This is because they sacrifice more sustainable packaging and marketing for more appealing, more wasteful and more toxic products which YOU think are better for your health. They really know how to get ya! Watch out for sneaky marketing terms too, like “all natural”, “chemical free”, “non toxic”, “vegan”, and even “clean”. These terms do not always promise safer ingredients. I also try to be mindful of buying and using products from brands that are conscious and use environmentally responsible practices because I want to do as much as I can in my power to help preserve our precious planet. And yes, that can start with what you choose to buy as a consumer- every. single. day.

To your dismay, many of the products you already use in your skincare routine contain chemicals that disrupt hormones, increase toxicity in the body, and worsen skin conditions. In this post I will be talking specifically about skincare and giving you the top 12 ingredients to avoid when trying reduce your toxic load. Skincare isn’t only what is going on your face. It’s what you’re putting on your armpits, rubbing all over your body, dispensing into your hair, what you’re brushing your teeth with and even what you’re using up there at that time of the month. The fact of the matter is that (as a female) we use up to an estimated 20 products per day JUST in our beauty routine alone, whereas men use about half that. Nevermind all the environmental stressors we receive from the atmosphere, our jobs, what we eat, etc.

Some of the chemicals in these products can be harmless, but most are a toxic cocktail of endocrine disruptors and carcinogens, which is a fancy word for cancer-causing chemicals. The problem with this is that many of these companies that sell you your favorite skincare products are not independently reviewed for safety, efficacy or toxicity. The combined burden from all these chemicals may be directly related to reproductive issues and cancer among women. You can find the link to this journal review below for more extensive information on this particular subject.

The Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act hasn’t been updated since 1938 when it was passed. That’s not to say that it would be incredible right now if we tried passing another, however; the US chemical lobby is fighting to maintain self-regulation. Currently, cosmetic companies don’t have to register with FDA, submit cosmetic ingredient statements, adopt good manufacturing practices, provide access to safety records or report serious adverse events when they occur, WHAT!?

SO, what’s a girl (or guy) to do!? Fret not, I got your back. I have been using real non toxic, clean brands for years now and now more than ever there are so many different brands to chose from. In order to filter through them all, keep one thing in mind: Less is more! I love using products from companies that perform third party testing, remain transparent in their practices and use the highest quality organically sourced ingredients all while trying to maintain the smallest carbon footprint possible. It’s tough, but these companies are out there.

Below I’m listing the top 12 chemicals to avoid to reduce the toxic load in your body:

  1. Fragrance. Unfortunately, fragrance houses a plethora of neurotoxins and chemicals under its umbrella. This is a trade secret and this is how companies hide the hundreds of chemicals that contribute to the smell of your products and sacrifice your health. Fragrance is in SO MANY PRODUCTS! I put this one at #1 because it’s so important to avoid.

  2. Aluminum. Toxic metal found in deodorants, makeup and other personal care products that disrupt the endocrine system which significantly reduces your ability to rid your body of wastes and toxins.

  3. Triclosan. Found in antibacterial hand soap, mouthwash and toothpaste. A known carcinogen that may disrupt thyroid function and can degrade into a form of dioxin which is a whole other class of toxic chemicals.

  4. Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl). Found in makeup, body lotion, lipstick, shampoo. Used as preservatives and can cause hormone imbalances. Parabens are banned in Europe.

  5. Phthalates. Found in many hair care products and nail polish. Chemicals used to increase flexibility and strength of plastics, and not often listed among the ingredients on products.

  6. Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol. Act as as surfactant in a liquid state. Can weaken the protein and cellular structure of the skin.

  7. PEG (Polyethylene glycol). Ingredient that can alter/reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products.

  8. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Found in shampoos, body wash, hand soap, face cleansers. Detergent that makes products lather and foam. Strips skin of its natural oils and throws off pH balance. Also a skin irritant.

  9. Siloxanes. Look for ingredients ending in "-siloxane" or "-methicone." Used in a variety of cosmetics to soften and smooth. Suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive toxicant (cyclotetrasiloxane). Harmful to fish and other wildlife.

  10. Mineral Oil. Found in powders, foundation. A petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging its pores. This is incredibly harmful because it interferes with skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, therefore increasing likelihood of acne and other disorders.

  11. . DMDM hydantoin & UREA (Imidazolidinyl). Preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause joint pain, skin allergies, headaches, and insomnia.

  12. DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), and TEA (triethanolamine)

    Found in shampoos, moisturizers, sunscreen. Clear, colorless, liquid.

Take aways,

Just because it’s on the shelves for anyone to buy, does not mean it is safe.

Take a look at some of the products you have at home that you use on your skin daily and cross reference with this list I provided you. I’m curious to see your findings!

Download the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Healthy Living App! This is the single most important tool you can use day to day to help you make conscious decisions about the products you are buying for yourself or your loved ones. They have a Skin Deep Database that rates your skincare products on a scale of 0-10. 0 being the best and 10 being the worst. They also go into detail about why it gets that score according to the chemical content.

Be kind to yourself. If you haven’t already switched over, don’t panic. Start with replacing one or two products and then go from there. It might take some time to get used to new things, however I know the benefits will significantly outweigh the drawbacks. I’m here if you need help, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me! If you find yourself benefitting from any switches, or just feel more sense of peace knowing you are using safer products, I’s love to hear from you too. Don’t forget to tag me @8THWONDERHH :)

Stay tuned for my blog post coming soon on my favorite CLEAN SKINCARE + BEAUTY PRODUCTS!

*Although I am a CHNC (Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach) please note I am not a Doctor, medical professional, therapist or lawyer. I do not intend to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. My blog posts are for informational purposes only and intended to motivate and empower readers to make their own nutrition and health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. The information I provide is not intended as medical advice, nor as diagnoses to determine treatment for a medical condition. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.




