My Healing Soul Soup

My Healing Soul Soup is officially a recipe and it’s magic. When this time of year rolls around it seems like everyone is catching a cold or flu. Fear not, this soup is has some amazing healing benefits and can increase your otherwise compromised immune system this year. After tweaking it numerous times in the past, I’ve found that this combination of flavors and nourishing ingredients really does the job. Do you know why our parents gave us chicken noodle soup growing up? The hot soup is supposed to help break up congestion while the salt could soothe a sore throat all while having a mild anti-inflammatory effect on the body. However, most (if not all) chicken noodle soups from the grocery store are loaded with way too much sodium (which can have the opposite effect on the body), added chemicals, sugar and genetically modified oils, yuck. I suggest just making your own at home. You’ll reap WAY more benefits and you truly will begin to heal yourself. Also, it’s more cost effective because you can make a huge batch and freeze it to use whenever you’re feelin’ down in the dumps. Here’s my recipe:

-8 cups organic chicken bone broth (will go into this in a later post but bone broth is different from chicken stock- higher in protein and potassium and lower in sodium) 

-2 cup water 

-2 cups chopped carrots

-2 cups chopped celery 

-2 1/2 cups chopped green cabbage

-1 tsp turmeric 

-1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

-4 cloves garlic 

-1/4 cup scallions

-a couple sprigs of mint

This soup definitely has a kick to it so if you’re not a fan of spicy I recommend using less cayenne. The ingredients I chose specifically work towards helping your body heal from the common cold/flu. Garlic, for its antibacterial and antiviral benefits. Turmeric, for its anti-inflammatory benefits and joint health. Bone broth, for its countless vitamins and minerals and celery for its antioxidant support....I could go on and on. Now, go and make this kick ass bowl of soup and tell me you didn’t feel better or that it tasted bad. I’ll wait.......if you make the soup, tag me! I’d love to hear about your experience!

*Although I am a CHNC (Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach) please note I am not a Doctor, medical professional, therapist or lawyer. I do not intend to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. My blog posts are for informational purposes only and intended to motivate and empower readers to make their own nutrition and health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. The information I provide is not intended as medical advice, nor as diagnoses to determine treatment for a medical condition. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.