5 Ingredient Protein Pancakes

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day, bring on all the good fats, protein and antioxidants because ya girl is here for it! I wanted to share with you a recipe I posted on my Instagram a while back because they turned out tasty AND aesthetically pleasing. Win win if you ask me, especially since I can’t make a decent pancake to save my life. I got this recipe from Lexi’s Clean Kitchen added frozen blueberries when I first made them, but around this time of year, I like to add a dash of cinnamon, diced apples and pecans instead of blueberries or chocolate chips. 

The breakdown:

Yields about 6 pancakes


-2 eggs 

-2 ripe bananas 

-2 scoops protein powder of choice (about 16 grams) 

-2 TBSP. coconut flour, sifted

-1 TSP. baking powder

-Optional: vanilla extract, which I used about ½ TSP. of


  1. Mash banana in medium mixing bowl, or blend on high in blender (makes them even fluffier) honestly the fluff factor is major key.

  2. Add rest of ingredients to bowl and whisk together until you are clump free. 

  3. Mix in your fruit of choice or whatever you like 

  4. Heat butter in medium skillet over medium heat, once butter melts turn heat down to low and start pouring your cakes! 

  5. This is where it gets tricky because you can either miserably fail or miraculously succeed. Try to only keep them on one side for about 3 minutes and then flip. I honestly cannot wait until I have enough space for a nice griddle so I can get a nice evenly golden cake every time, but for those without that luxury- this will suffice. AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THE BURNER ON LOW AND PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FOOD! I learned the hard way many times!

*Although I am a CHNC (Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach) please note I am not a Doctor, medical professional, therapist or lawyer. I do not intend to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. My blog posts are for informational purposes only and intended to motivate and empower readers to make their own nutrition and health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. The information I provide is not intended as medical advice, nor as diagnoses to determine treatment for a medical condition. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.